BLVCMRKT Boutique to Celebrate 3 Years


On September 18th, BLVCMRKT Boutique (pronounced ‘black market’) will be hosting an event in Denver’s Five Points neighborhood to mark their 3-year anniversary as a business. BLVCMRKT Boutique is a Black-owned, local clothing brand with a mission to create a space for sustainable fashion alternatives through art & storytelling. 

The September 18th event, “Build Your Own Sanctuary” will feature a rebrand launch which includes a vintage line with new sustainability practices along with a live DJ (DJ KDJ Above), local art, spoken word performances, drinks and more. 

"Vintage tells so many stories, especially in the Brown & Black Communities, I want to meet the people who relate to that, I want to hear those stories." says Lakeisha Ashley, CEO and Founder of BLVCMRKT Boutique. 

The event will take place on Saturday, Sept. 18, 2021 from 7PM-11PM at "The Black House" located at 2852 Welton St. Denver, CO 80205. 

BLVCMRKT will be showcasing a preview of their 2021 Fall Collection to those who attend.

"The rebrand is really about tapping into our consciousness as consumers,” said Ashley. “Each year the fashion industry produces 92 million tons of waste alone. It is our obligation as the next leading generation to set the tone for [future] generations, by shopping locally, shopping vintage and shopping sustainably." 

BLVCMRKT will also have customized merchandise available for those looking for sustainable options outside of Vintage clothing. 

Tickets are required for entry and can be found here. You can find more information regarding this event on their website at or check out their Instagram @blvcmrkt for more updates and information.


BLVCMRKT is a local fashion line started by Lakeisha Ashley currently hosted in the False Ego Five Points Location (2650 Walnut St, Denver, CO 80205).


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